Summary:  This training will guide you through the process needed to modify/create a Newsletter template and set a publication date for your Newsletter.

Step 1:  Log into WorldVu Dashboard

  • Click on Newsletter > Newsletter Template

Step 2:  Create/Modify a Newsletter Template

  • Click on “Add New Template” to create a new Newsletter template.
  • Add a “Template Name”
  • Add a “Template Subject”  (Date, Descriptive Name, etc.)
  • Modify/create the “Sender Name”
  • Modify/create the “Sender Email” (This will be the email that will receive notices concerning the distribution of the Newsletter.)
  • Create your “Template Content”  (You may wish to copy the example template and paste it into your new template so you can make modification or you can create one from scratch if you are familiar with using HTML code and CSS.)
  • Click “Save Template”

Note:  You have the ability to preview the template you have created by clicking on “Preview Template” at any time.

Note:  If you wish to modify an existing Newsletter template you can do this at anytime.  Click on Newsletter > Newsletter Templates and click on the Newsletter you wish to modify.  Make changes to the appropriate fields or to the template as necessary.  Remember to click “Save Template” when done or “Save As” to create a new template.

Step 3:  Assigning Subscribers to the Newsletter

Click on Newsletter > Newsletter Subscribers

Review the list of subscribers.  This list is the sum total of all customers who opted in to receive the Newsletters when they made their initial enrollment or who opted in at a later date.  These will automatically receive every Newsletter sent out by the system unless they are filtered out through the use of “Market Segments”.

Note:  You can limit distribution to a specialized group for a single Newsletter by unselecting subscribers on the “Newsletter Subscribers” page then sending only to that group.

Note:  You may also add individual customers to the Newsletter distribution list by going to the “Manage Customers” page, select the individual(s), change “Actions” to “Subscribe to Newsletter” and then click “Submit”.  These individuals will now be permanently added to the Newsletter list.

Step 4:  Distributing your Newsletter (Newsletter Queue)

  • Click on Newsletter > Newsletter Templates
  • Find the Newsletter from the list and click on the drop down menu in the “Action” column.  You can choose to “Preview” to review the Newsletter again before sending it.
  • After previewing your Newsletter, click on “Queue Newsletter” in the “Action” column on the “Newsletter Templates” page.

Warning:  We advise you to not Queue a Newsletter until you are absolutely sure it is designed and ready to be sent.  The Newsletter may be modified but it cannot be deleted/cancelled as of the date this training was modified 4/27/16.

  • After choosing to “Queue Newsletter” in the “Action” column you will be sent to the “Edit Newsletter” page.  Choose a “Queue Date Start” for your Newsletter.
  • Click “Save Newsletter”
  • You may modify your Newsletter content, the date of release and other fields by clicking on the Newsletter and going to the “Edit Newsletter” page.
  • After modifying your Newsletter you must click “Save Newsletter” and your changes will be accepted.  You may continue to make changes up until the release date and time.

Note:  Your Newsletter is now set to release on the date and time you entered.

Step 5:  Reviewing “Queued” Newsletters

  • Click Newsletter > Newsletter Queue
  • Click on the Newsletter you wish to review.  If you do not see it on the list you may click on the “Reset Filter” then create another “Search”.  To see all Newsletters you can click on “ID” and then “Search” leaving the “Status” blank otherwise you can narrow the “Search” by choosing one of the “Status” choices.
  • You may make modifications to future Newsletters that have not released but cannot modify Newsletters which have previously been sent.

Additional Information:

“Newsletter Problem Reports”  This page will produce a list of any problems that might be associated with the Newsletter release and can be reviewed as needed.

“Team Office Templates”  This page will be discussed in a separate training but in summary it is where you can create templates used by Associates/Distributors to send to their downlines as part of the services available to them in Team Office.

“Market Segment” (Used to create a filter system applied to each Newsletter release)

  • On the “Market Segment” page you can click on “Add New Segment”
  • Create a “Segment Name” , “Description” and make sure the “Status” is set to “Active”.
  • Click “Save and Continue Edit”
  • Click on “Conditions” in the left hand menu.
  • Under the “New Segment” section, add the conditions you wish to make available to filter each Newsletter release.  These “Market Segment” conditions will appear on every template Newsletter during the Queuing process.  To activate the “Market Segment” you create in this training or multiple segments if available, you must click on the box beside the “Market Segment” during the time you are Queuing a Newsletter.  It will now be active for the release of that particular Newsletter.

Note:  Once a “Market Segment has been created, it is available for all future Newsletter releases and only needs to be selected to be activated during the Newsletter Queuing.

Setting Up Subscriptions

Magento User Guide (Subscription Options)

Note:  There may be additional Magento User Guide Training that will assist you with setting up your Newsletter.  Search the user guide by going to the link and typing “Newsletter”.

We hope this helps.  Check out our other training posts for additional assistance.