Summary:  This training will guide you through the process needed to back date, or in other words,  modify the date on an order and assign the subsequent commissionable/personal volume associated with that order to another commission period.

Log into WorldVu Dashboard

Click Sales > Orders to find the customer order if you do not have it.  Then click on Sales > Invoices
Click Sales > Invoices if you have the customer order number

Modify Order Bonus Date

  • Under “Order #” in the very first section find a field called “Bonus Date”
  • Click on “Edit”
  • Modify the “Bonus Date” for the order you have chosen then click “Save”

Warning:  Do not modify the “Bonus Date” for commission periods that have already been finalized.  Modifying an order “Bonus Date” into a finalized commission period will assign volume that will no longer count for commission bonuses.
We hope this helps.  Check out our other training posts for additional assistance.