Multi-level marketing is one of the most dynamic sales and distribution models. It continues to effectively increase company exposure and sell products to the end customer.  The Direct Sales industry continues to thrive and gain strength as it moves forward into 2017.

Likewise, in 2015 the the Network Marketing and Direct Sales profession hit a new record high with $183.7 Billion in global sales. These numbers are a good indicator that the future is definitely bright for this very unique and personable industry.


We have all the tools and experience you need to grow your MLM (Network Marketing) business.

We have all the tools and experience you need to grow your MLM (Network Marketing) business.

Key 2015 Industry Stats Reported:

  • Total revenue was up by 4.8%  from 34.47 billion to $36.12 billion which was a record year for the industry.
  • Increase sales in the health and wellness sector by $2 billion as well as in personal care segment attributing to an aging population that is seeking products to increase quality of life.
  • Total number of people that want to get involve in the business is up by double-digits to 11% from 18.2 million to 20.2 million.

As a result of the significant MLM, party plan and direct sales companies that we see starting up, we are excited for 2017!