Open Source MLM Software

Changing Heading Menu Font: Store Page

Summary:  This training will guide you through the process needed to modify the font of your store page Header Menu. Step 1:  Log into WorldVu Dashboard Click on System > Configuration. Step 2:  Modify the Store Page Header Menu Font On the right side menu under "Ultimo", click on "Theme Design".  Under the section labeled "Font", go to the field labeled "Google Fonts". The default is "Advert Pro" but you may change it to any font available.

2019-04-15T15:34:26-06:00July 6th, 2015|Categories: Open Source MLM Software|

Why Open Source?

Xennsoft has been providing software for the multi level marketing (MLM) industry for over 10 years now. For most of that time, we developed proprietary software and continually built upon it. After years of development with many different enhancements, we saw that we were unable to keep up with all the changes that were taking place in the industry. eCommerce and social media for example, had taken off, and what once was acceptable, now had become outdated.

2019-04-15T14:55:33-06:00June 19th, 2015|Categories: Open Source MLM Software|

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