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Permalink: https://xennsoft.com/the-power-of-virtual-parties/ the-power-of-virtual-parties
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Word count: 0   Last edited by Jon Madsen on March 10, 2017 at 2:40 pm

Fusion Builder

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Published on: Mar 10, 2017 @ 14:30 Edit date and time
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Fusion Page Options

Disable the 1st featured image on single post pages.

Choose to set this post to 100% browser width.

Insert Youtube or Vimeo embed code.

In pixels or percentage, ex: 100% or 100px. Use "auto" if you set a fixed height, to make sure the image is resized respecting the aspect ratio. Value cannot exceed original image width.

In pixels or percentage, ex: 100% or 100px. Use "auto" if you set a fixed height, to make sure the image is resized respecting the aspect ratio. Value cannot exceed original image height.

Choose which icons display on this post.

Leave blank for post URL.

Choose to open the single post page link in a new window.

Choose to show or hide related posts on this post.

Choose to show or hide the social share box

Choose to show or hide the post navigation

Choose to show or hide the author info box

Choose to show or hide the post meta

Choose to show or hide comments area

In pixels ex: 20px. Leave empty for default value.

In pixels ex: 20px. Leave empty for default value.

This option controls the left/right padding for page content when using 100% site width or 100% width page template. Enter value in px. ex: 20px.

Select if the slider shows below or above the header. Only works for top header position.

Select the type of slider that displays.

Select the unique name of the slider.

Select the unique name of the slider.

Select the unique name of the slider.

Select the unique name of the slider.

This image will override the slider on mobile devices.

Choose to enable or disable disable Avada styles for Revolution Slider.

Choose to show or hide the header.

Choose to set header width to 100% of the browser width. Select "No" for site width.

Select an image to use for the header background.

Controls the background color of the header. Hex code, ex: #000

Controls the opacity of the header background color when using the top position. Ranges between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque). ex: .4

Choose to have the background image display at 100%.

Select how the background image repeats.

Select which menu displays on this page.

Select sidebar 1 that will display on this page. Choose "No Sidebar" for full width.

Select sidebar 2 that will display on this page. Sidebar 2 can only be used if sidebar 1 is selected.

Select the sidebar 1 position. If sidebar 2 is selected, it will display on the opposite side.

Controls the background color of the sidebar. Hex code, ex: #000

Select boxed or wide layout.

Following options only work in boxed mode:

Select an image to use for the outer background.

Controls the background color for the outer background. Hex code, ex: #000

Choose to have the background image display at 100%.

Select how the background image repeats.

Following options work in boxed and wide mode:

Select an image to use for the main content area.

Controls the background color for the main content area. Hex code, ex: #000

Choose to have the background image display at 100%.

Select how the background image repeats.

Choose to show or hide the page title bar.

Choose to show or hide the page title bar text.

Choose the title and subhead text alignment

Choose to set the page title content to 100% of the browser width. Select "No" for site width. Only works with wide layout mode.

Insert custom text for the page title bar.

In pixels, default is 18px.

Insert custom subhead text for the page title bar.

In pixels, default is 10px.

Controls the text color of the page title fonts.

Set the height of the page title bar. In pixels ex: 100px.

Set the height of the page title bar on mobile. In pixels ex: 100px.

Select an image to use for the page title bar background.

Select an image to use for retina devices.

Controls the background color of the page title bar. Hex code, ex: #000

Controls the border color of the page title bar. Hex code, ex: #000

Choose to have the background image display at 100%.

Choose a parallax scrolling effect for the background image.

Choose to display the breadcrumbs, search bar or none.